Your mantra for the month is “ slow and steady will have me September ready”  guaranteeing you success in achieving all that you have on your plate. This  month will have you focusing your energy on balancing work and self-care.  Things will start to move on September 3rd with Venus going direct boosting  your creativity and partnership opportunities.

You will feel the wind in your sails  in the health and work area of your chart thanks to the New Moon on the 14th  followed by Mercury going direct on the 15th. On the 23rd, your ruler Mars goes  brings your attention to how to attract the right partnerships that will support  your creative projects. September ends with the Full Moon in your sign acting as  a milestone so that you can select on all that you have achieved and what is  next! 

On September 3rd, your ruler Venus will go direct really supporting you in feeling  a greater sense of harmony in family matters and how you feel in your home  surroundings. The New Moon on September 14th will act as a creative fuel for  your inspiration, so take this day to map out those brilliant ideas (obviously  holding off until Mercury goes direct on the 15th to execute). On September  23rd, Mars joins the Sun illuminating an opportunity to fine tune your routine. 

Think of this as essential in supporting your work flow for that creative project  you are working on! The finale of the month has the Full Moon on the 29th  brings an introspective influence. This would be a perfect day to tune out the  world and do something fabulously Taurean such as a spa and meditation  retreat.

Venus will go direct on September 3rd giving your relationship area a boost and  maybe giving someone you met earlier in the Summer a second chance. The  New Moon on the 14th will be a great day to look at your home environment and  decide whether or not you need to make certain adjustments to feel more  comfortable. Wait until the 15th, when your ruling planet Mercury goes direct so  that you can move swiftly without having to re-do anything.

The Sun joins Mars  on the 23rd of September in the creative part of your chart helping you turn your  ideas into gold. The month wraps up with the Full Moon on the 29th will bring up  themes in your network and acquaintances making it a great time to clean up  your ever-growing contact list! 

On September 3rd, your finances will be getting a boost thanks to Venus going  direct making it a great day to renegotiate payment. The New Moon on  September 14th is setting the stage for you to communicate your ideas so that  by EOD on the 15th, when Mercury goes direct you can take action without  snafus.

On the 23rd, Mars will bring into focus your environment and how you  can make your surroundings more cozy for the Fall! This is also a great day to be  with your family and reconnect by being together after a hectic month. We end  the month with the Full Moon on the 29th highlighting your career area and  wrapping up a project that will act as a catalyst to your vocational success.

Venus that has been retrograde in your sign FINALLY goes direct on September  3rd- HURRAY! This means that your finances and your relationships will be in for  a major boost thanks to being able to attract the right partners both in business  and in love! The New Moon on the 14th will be highlighting what you value and  how to bring in additional income.

This will be further boosted as Mars goes into  your house of communication supporting you to take action with the necessary  information. The Full Moon on the 29th brings a philosophical influence to the  way you are seeing a situation thanks to connecting with wise humans that are  able to provide just the right insights.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You can think of this month as your time to recalibrate and streamline and feel empowered; ready to successfully take on anything that comes your way. Venus will go direct on September 3rd helping you fine tune your intuition on making the right decision in your relationship area and what you value.

You will find that you will need some extra rest or just feeling like you  want to be in a more zen space. The New Moon on the 14th of September  followed by your ruler Mercury going direct on the 15th supporting you  successfully moving forward on new ventures.

On the 23rd Mars brings to focus  your finances offering you the opportunity to take more control of how you wish  to build your wealth. The Full Moon on September 29th continues the fiscal  theme by being a great day to review your taxes and pat yourself on the back for  achieving that milestone.

You are in a for a fabulously chic month thanks to Mars going into your sign on  August 27th and then your ruling planet, going direct on September 3rd. The  New Moon on the 14th will be the perfect time to reflect on how you would like  to kick off your upcoming birthday aka solar return.

This is perfect time to set  you up for successful decision-making after September 15th, when Mercury  goes direct. On the 23rd, the Sun will be in your sign helping you to manifest the  most fulfilling partnerships in business and love. The Full Moon on the 29th  continues the theme of relationships this time honing on how to balance the  nurturing you give to yourself and what you give to others.

September is your month to harness your inner strength and that implacable will  to stay Zen and focused on the big picture. Venus goes direct on September 3rd  supporting any negotiations connected to partnerships that support your career  moves. The New moon on the 14th will be bringing up themes around your social network and friendships.

Mercury will go direct on the 15th that will hep  you in moving forward on an important decision and/or deal that was previously  delayed. On the 23rd, Mars goes focusing your energy on how to boost your  self-care making this the ideal time to go on retreat where you can be more introspective.

The month wraps up On September 29th, with the Full Moon  giving you the opportunity to look at your daily habits and how you can optimize  your schedule for a busy start to the Fall season and your birthday!

As a Sagittarius myself, I am writing to you and to myself to embrace the slower  pace rather than want to push ahead and move at our usual dynamic pace. The  pace will begin to pick up with Venus going direct on September 3rd bringing  fun opportunities to travel and partnership.

The New Moon on the 14th brings  new career highlights but remember to hold off signing new contracts until the  15th. On the 23rd Mars brings your network into prominence give you the  chance to reconnect with friends who may be able to help you on a new  venture. The month ends with the Full Moon on the 29th in the creative era of  your chart giving you a the confidence to move forward on inspiring idea while  having some fun! 

One of your many qualities, is your ability to stay the course and be patient  regardless of challenges; a mindset that will come in handy at the beginning of  September. On September 3rd, you can expect to receive good news on the  financial front and maybe reconnect with someone exciting from your past.

The  New Moon on the 14th of September takes will be in your area of chart  connected to travel, big business, law and publishing. This would be a perfect  time to move forward with deals that may have been on the back burner since  the middle of August.

On the 23rd, the Sun and Mars (aka the planet of action)  will be in the career area of your chart, so you can expect great news on the  work front! The Full Moon on the 29th of September will be bringing your  attention to your home environment and spending more time with your family.

Mark your calendar for September 3rd when you can expect to have meaningful  connections and also feel an overall sense of happiness with your existing and  new relationships. The New Moon on September 14th would be a perfect day to  do what you do best… MANIFEST especially in the area of your finances to plan  ahead for the coming month.

The 23rd of September brings an energy of  wanting to travel or get away from the mundane making this a great day to  travel.The Full Moon on September 29th will have you wrapping up a project  requiring your stealthy communication skills.

While Mercury is still retrograde until September 15th, you can look forward to  Venus going direct on September 3rd bringing you positive work opportunities.  The New Moon on the 14th will be in your relationship area, so make sure to set  your intentions but hold off on taking action until the 16th!

Speaking of action,  Mars will be energizing your area of finances and wealth management helping  you plan accordingly and feel more abundant. The month wraps up with the Full  Moon on the 29th bringing up themes connected to how you feel about the  amount of resources you are putting into a project and the ROI. This is your  opportunity to be remunerated for all the AMAZING work that you do.